Monday, November 3, 2014


Yuckyness- do you ever have it? That feeling after you've compared yourself to someone else? Or been envious of something some has or does? I struggle with it. I never did til I was in my late 20's. That yucky feeling. It isn't a fun one and it's one I really try to get rid of pretty fast because if I let it stick around, it later turns to bitterness, complaining, and unhappiness.    My best go to is a list of verses that I have in the subject- because let's be honest- Gods word is the only cure. It's the only cure for any yucky sin that one struggles with.  

  Jason and I bought these handy little note card holders a while back and I've been filling  them with verses that I can carry with me in my purse. When I am struggling in the car or in the store or anywhere- I just grab it out and look up the verses that speak right to my issue!
 I resuntly was reading verses that said envy and bitterness can literally ROT the soul! It's serious business people! For sure something to address and take care of.  
Here is a verse that's been really great for me right now!

"No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but He will also provide to way of escape, that you may be able to endure it." 1 cor. 10:13 
  Praise The Lord for that! He will provide a way out of my temptation to envy or be bitter! I truely believe it's through his word and prayer!
    The other conclusion that I have come to is this: there is always gonna be someone better at things than you, prettier than you, skinnier than you, richer than you, more artistic than you( and in my case that is everyone - bwhahah), nicer than you, more liked than you, funnier than you, more giving than you, someone who had way better budgeting skills, ect, ect, and ect! And basically that's what makes us all so unique and allows us all to offer our own amazing talents !  I just wanna be the best me that I can be and that's enough :) Its good to be me❤️