Saturday, April 11, 2009

One Hoppin' Couple of Days!

We have had such a wonderful fun filled weekend. Full of Easter Egg Hunts, a treasure hunt, time with friends and family, and Easter Egg decorating. And it isn't even SUNDAY yet:) My mom, dad, and Logan enjoying the egg decorating.

Papa and Peyton- both have the best blue eyes
Logan had fun mixing all the colors on his eggs! His eggs were super colorful;)

The EASTER BUNNY and Logan.

Ready for the Hunt! It even stayed dry today! A miracle here in Oregon:)

Peyton was worn out after her busy first Easter egg hunt.

Logan and his buddy Riley Armstrong.

Logan LOVED LOVED LOVED spraying the fire hose at the little building. He did a cute dance the guys let him do it one more time, just so they could see his dance.

Logan and his buddy Kate were practicing for hours to prepare for the up coming Easter Egg hunts;)

Logan and Daddy enjoyed a five minute ride on the Go-Karts next to Mainstreet! SUCH a blast!!!!

Now our family looks forward to the true celebration of Easter tomorrow! HE IS RISEN!!!! Praise HIM!:)