Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Just breathe

Busy- today was busy- really the moment school started again , we've been running like crazy! I'm burnt out right now and plum tuckered out to the bone! But with that said, The Lord is teaching me how to look at everything with this attitude of gratitude ! My mother in law offered to have my kids today and tomorrow afternoon while I clean! (We have this random week off here in Tillamook). What a blessing for the kids and for me!
  Both of our kids had parent teacher conferences the last couple of days and both kids are doing ok! One kid is at the top of the class ; the other closer to the bottom ! Parenting can be so humbling at times but the most important thing to me is that my kids know Jesus as their savior and do their best at whatever task is before them!  It was so fun having Jason run in right as Peyton's conference began- her little eyes lite up! What a huge blessing to have a husband who works so hard for our family but is also always there for us when we need him! Whether he is out playing football with Logan and the entire neighborhood or being Peyton's student as she plays school or just folding the towels that are constantly filling up our basket! No joke- the man can fold❤️
 We are so busy- but we are so blessed!  Taking the time to stop and just breath and thank The Lord for all of it!! Does the soul some good.