Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Passion of Mine

My Passion is...............Youth. Does that sound weird?? It may to you but I have ALWAYS loved young people. I went to Frontier School of the Bible and got my associates degree in Youth Ministry...not because I couldn't decided what I wanted to major in, but because frankly...I desire so much for Young people to come to Jesus Christ!! I am natural around these young adults, possibly because I am as immature as them, but more then that....I feel God has called me to work with them. To encourage them and get into their lives. Not as a parent, not as a teacher, but as a friend and youth leader. The first time I discovered this passion, was when I was 18 years old and my dad asked me to counsel at our Church Camp for a week. Now, granted, I also found out what an impatient person that I was that week, but these young people struck a cord in my heart....that I know God has given me.
I had one term left at FSB when I met my Husband Jason. The summer I started dating him, I was originally going to work at a Crisis Pregnancy Center, in Logan Utah. I was going to focus on these young teen moms that summer. God totally shut that door...I know now, because he had his hand in my meeting my man that summer. . Long story short....God has taken me on a long journey back to Youth ministry...Marriage and two beautiful babies....but watch out world....I am back...and I am ready for a HARDCORE wonderful year working with PCBC Youth Group and Awana.


kells times four said...

That's awesome Krista! Keep following your heart and lead where God is calling you! I know you will make a difference in those young adults lives.

Anonymous said...

That is great Krista. I know you will make a difference with that attitude!!

Jeph and LeAnnes Blog said...

Thats so great Krista!!! I know you will make such a difference in those young adults lives! I'll be praying for you in this calling..what a gift! :)