Tuesday, September 22, 2009


This is how we spent our first day of Fall! It felt more like the first day of Summer....and to top that, the first day of summer in Colorado;) Not Tillamook! It was just beautiful. The kids can't get enough of the pool and the beach was beyond words...BEAUTIFUL!. Warm wind, warm sand, excited kids.....perfect first Fall day. I'll take it;)


beth said...

We're supposed to be in the nineties today. I am SO ready for it to cool down. I'm still in my tank tops and shorts and I want to get out my sweaters. But, like I was telling Lee the other day, I shouldn't be complaining about how I want it to cool down, cause it will be really cold soon, and then I'll be complaining that I wish that it was warmer. He he. I should just get out and enjoy this last few weeks of warm summer like weather. Have fun! :)