Sunday, August 22, 2010

Getting Pretty.

A few things Peyton loves are markers and painting her toenails. Today, she decided to combine those two loves;) She was super proud of herself.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Summer Splash!!!

10 hours of reading in a month! They had so much fun! But can I just say what a challenge it was?? we started a month late for one thing(the program is 2 months long), and then the weeks we had to do it were full of Bend vacation, a week of company, and the fair!!! Plus since neither of my little kiddos read on their own....yep, you guessed it...I had to read them all 1o hours! But my little family loves a challenge and they really enjoyed putting up their stickers each time. As soon as they were all finished we went into our beautiful library(which always feels like Christmas for me) and the kids got to pick out a prize. I even did the adult summer reading program. 8 books in 2 months! I won a t-shirt from a drawing and got a gift card for the library book store! And the nerd that I am...I am totally wearing the t-shirt right now. (it says "I'm a part of the Tillamook County Library."

Monday, August 16, 2010

Logan's Summer!!

I am pretty sure Logan would say that this has been one of his favorite summers yet;

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

when the sun won't come to us.......

WE GO TO IT!! Jason was off yesterday, so our little family ventured out. When we left Tillamook, it was drizzling and to the valley and it was nearly 80 degrees before our day ended!! I love family days!!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Can I keep it?

Logan was so gitty about his first Fishing trip with daddy! He sang, "I will make you fishers of men" as he got all of his clothes on for his trip. He had to have his old jeans on and he was very serious about wearing his brown vest(not on for the picture) because u must have a special fishing vest on:) He caught his first fish!!(or his second as he reminded Jason because he caught a little tiny one a few minutes before and threw it back). He was super excited to tell me that the fish was bleeding...a lot;) We cooked it up at a friends campfire that night and he almost cried on the way home when he realized that it was eaten up and gone. He told Jason, "I wanted to keep it forever."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A sweet little breath of peace

So for 15 years, this has been my view on my way to and from church. To many of you..this view would mean nothing. But to me...this view means: safety, comfort, stability, and strength. I have been such a blessed woman to be able claim my daddy as my pastor. For many many reasons other then the fact that he is my dad . My dad is such a humble, REAL, man of integrity...who loves the Lord Jesus Christ more then life itself. And though it is one of the hardest things that I have ever had to go through...losing my parents to Ten Mile Idaho....I have a peace and an excitment for them. My sweet friend amybeth hit the nail on the head...I told her how well I was doing and how I was really at a middle spot...missing my parents but yet I was so excited for them. She said, Krista...your truley have the joy of the Lord. And I really believe it is true. His Joy can get us through anything...his peace that passes all truely fills your soul when you don't know or have a clue how you are going to get through something. Thank you for teaching me that mom and dad. I love you indepent nature is finally going to be put to the test! I now am looking forward to the next chapter in all our many road trips...and heck...who knows...maybe we will walk by faith and treck out on our own adventure someday soon. <