Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our FABULOUS new routine!

Since Logan was about 2, and he use to ask me every morning when he woke up, "Turtles?"(one of his first words) and point at the tv, we've pretty much turned the tv on first thing in the morning. Frankly, it gave me a chance to catch some extra, MUCH needed ZZZZZs. BUT for the past month, my kids have NOT been watching any cartoons in the morning-(UNLESS it's a morning I clean houses.) This has been the most amazing thing for my little buggies. Logan will lay on my bed for HOURS....and I am not JOKING...HOURS and play with a stack of toys like above. The child has a FABULOUS imagination and I love hearing his little played out stories. He cracks me up. And still gives me time to sleep a little more, get my work out in, and shower! It's been simply AWESOME!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Only in Tillamook County!

I was driving into Pacific City Sunday, and I was stopped by these friendly community members:) Only in Tillamook.

Monday, April 19, 2010

All Creation Cries Out

This is my breath taking view on our way to church every Sunday.......not a bad way to prepare to go worship our Creator, huh?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

BLOGGING?? Who has the TIME?!?!?!

These days...I have NO TIME TO BLOG. I am really more of a "blog reader" then a "blog writer". But I wanted to chat u all up on our little family!!

All ready for BED!

Our new playhouse! The kids are in love and have already spent hours in it! Jason worked so hard on putting it together. A WHOLE evening and with the schedule he's had at work...u would realize what a huge sacrafice that really was of him. He was seriously WIPED out afterwards.

Daddy saved the most important part for his little man

Working on the SPECAIL project that I BEGGED Jason to let me get:) (I asked him after he got his tv, so it was easy to persuade him)

Peyton is really our little HAM. We asked her to put her shirt back on and so she pulled her skirt up instead. Silly little girl

We walk ALL the time...Logan is now my little runner. This is what he does on our walks now! I have to try and keep up with him.

Peyton has quite the fashion sense these days:)

Gramma Bonnie and Peyton on Easter. We are sure CHERISHING our last few months living close to them. They will move to Ten Mile, Idaho the end of August.

My mom and dad are always doing the cutest things for my kids. They set up a Egg hunt for them with candy and money filled eggs. They had a blast.

Mom had it so each kid had a specific Color egg so that they both got the same amount. very creative, u can tell she works with the "kinders"(as she calls them)

We ran into your sweet cousins and GOOD friends the day before easter and they were able to make these cute ears. Maddie helped Logan with his, which meant the world to him and made him feel super special. Maybe we have a future preschool teacher on our hands:) All such sweet kids...we are so lucky to live close to family, even though we don't get together nearly enough.

Our Logan is such a character. Tonight he told me..."Mommy....will your turn the music down?" I asked him why and he said, "Because you know what they say mommy....Music and TV will rot the brain." Lol

Peyton goes peepee in the potty at least TWICE a day now. she just turned 20 months old. We are thrilled but not pushing anything:) But if she wants to go...we let her:) She is also officially DONE with the Binky...which we call the Paci. Tonight she didn't cry when I laid her down . She didn't even ask for her Ba Ba(what she calls it). 6 days and counting! She is a little less baby everyday!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Surely this man, was the Son of God.

"He we pierced through for our trangressions, He was crushed for our iniquities, the chastening for our welling being fell upon him, and by His wounds, we are healed." Isaiah 53:5

This Video is so great in preperation of this Easter weekend.

"Pilate then took Jesus and scourged him. and the soliders twisted together a crown of thorns and placed it on Jesus' head and put a purple robe on him. And they began to come up to him and and say, "Hail to the King of the Jews." and the gave him slaps in the face." John 19:1-2

"When the centurion, who was standing in front of him, saw the way he took his last breath, he said, "Surely this man was the son of God." Mark 15:39

"Behold a severe earthquake had occured, for an angel of the Lord came and rolled away the stone and sat upon it. His appereance was like lightening and his clothes white as snow. The guards shock in fear of him and became like dead men.
The angel said to the woman, "do not be afraid for I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crusified. He is not here for he has risen, just as he said. Come see the place where he was lying." Matthew 28:2-6

HE HAS RISEN...Just like he said. Lets put all of our Easter Bunnys, Easter egg hunts, Easter Baskets, and Easter Outfits aside and not forget the REAL meaning of Easter. That Jesus DIED and in 3 day Rose from the Dead!!! A Miracle and the meaning of my life and my faith.

"But God demonstrated His own LOVE for us, that why we were STILL sinners, Christ Died for us. Much more then, having been justified by his Blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through his Son, much more having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. Not only this but we also exalt in our God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have recieved this reconsiliation."

Romans 5: 8-11